Chakra is a Sanskrit term for “wheel” that refers to swirling energy centers throughout the body that receive, express and distribute life-force energy. The seven main chakras are located along the spine at major branches of the human nervous system. They connect the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Each chakra functions at optimum level when open, aligned and in balance.
Ganesh Bastet Perfume, Meditation & Trance Anointing Oil, Fearlessness and Confidence Anointing Oil, Sphinx Moth Body Perfume Oil, Earth Aromatherapy Body Lotion, Tranquil Moonlight Massage + Body Oil, Purification and Protection Aura Mist, Grounding Earth Diffuser Oil, Uncrossing Anointing Oil, Prosperity Anointing Oil, Fertility and Manifestation Anointing Oil
Sensual Lust & Passion Anointing Oil, Firefly Body Perfume Oil, Pure Passion Aura Mist, Wood Nymph Body Perfume Oil, Venus - A Love Oil Anointing Oil, Creativity and Performance Anointing Oil, Passion Rising Diffuser Oil, Uncrossing Anointing Oil, Prosperity Anointing Oil, Rain of Prosperity Aura Mist, True Abundance Diffuser Oil, Woman See Bright Anointing Oil, Fertility & Manifestation Anointing Oil, Aphrodisian Fire Massage + Body Oil, Freya Bastet Perfume, Fire Aromatherapy Body Lotion, Letting Go Massage + Body Oil
Fearlessness and Confidence Anointing Oil, Healing Anointing Oil, Isis & Rebirth Anointing Oil, Wood Nymph Body Perfume Oil, Blue Morpho Body Perfume Oil, Sun of Success Anointing Oil, Purification and Protection Aura Mist, Ra Sacred Perfume, Ghostbuster Aura Mist, Archangel Michael Sacred Perfume, Shekmet Bastet Perfume, Peace and Purification Aura Mist, Letting Go Massage + Body Oil, Empress Bastet Perfume
Rose Otto, Healing of the Heart Anointing Oil, Letting Go Anointing Oil, Quan Yin Sacred Perfume, Empress Bastet Perfume, Divine Mother Bastet Perfume, Jasmine, Moon Goddess Anointing Oil, Sweet Marriage Anointing Oil, Woman See Bright Anointing Oil, Yemaya Bastet Perfume, Krishna Bastet Perfume , Wood Nymph Body Perfume Oil, Lavender, Peace & Purification Anointing Oil, Purification & Protection Aura Mist, Woman See Bright Anointing Oil, Healing of the Heart Anointing Oil, Tranquil Moonlight Body + Massage Oil, Breath of Life Diffuser Oil, Geranium, Heart & Spirit Aura Mist, Break Patterns & Addictions Anointing Oil, Neroli, Heart & Spirit Aura Mist, Eros & Psyche Anointing Oil, Ganesh Bastet Perfume, Firefly Body Perfume Oil, Rose Absolute, Aphrodisian Fire Massage + Body Oil, Fire Aromatherapy Body Lotion, Sensual Lust & Passion Anointing Oil, Pure Passion Aura Mist, Inanna Bastet Perfume,Passion Rising Diffuser Oil, Ylang Ylang, Venus - A Love Oil Anointing Oil, Energizing Wind Massage + Body Oil, Blue Morpho Body Perfume Oil, Isis & Rebirth Anointing Oil, Fearlessness & Confidence Anointing Oil
Rosemary, Muscle Works Massage + Body Oil, Energizing Wind Massage + Body Oil, Courageous Spirit Diffuser Oil, Banditos Natural Defense products, Dragonfly Body Perfume Oil,Uncrossing Anointing Oil, Juniper, Letting Go Massage + Body Oil, Dragonfly Body Perfume Oil, Grounding Earth Diffuser Oil, Blue Morpho Body Perfume Oil, Rain of Prosperity Aura Mist, Sonora Bastet Perfume, Eucalyptus, Banditos Natural Defense products, Cypress, Peppermint, Peppermint Tea, Chamomile, Peace & Purification Anointing Oil, Ghostbuster Aura Mist
Citrus, Clarity & Focus Anointing Oil, Sun of Success Anointing Oil, Uncrossing Anointing Oil, Dragonfly Body Perfume Oil, Saraswati Bastet Perfume, Blossom of Joy Diffuser Oil, Stream of Success Aura Mist, Wind Aromatherapy Body Lotion, Frankincense, Meditation & Trance Anointing Oil, Breath of Life Diffuser Oil, Grounding Earth Diffuser Oil, Archangel Michael Sacred Perfume, Star Medicine Bastet Perfume, Hekate Bastet Perfume, Clary Sage, Woman See Bright Anointing Oil, Tranquil Moonlight Massage + Body Oil, Moondust Bastet Perfume, Priestess Bastet Perfume
Frankincense, Meditation & Trance Anointing Oil, Purification & Protection Aura Mist, Breath of Life Diffuser Oil, Archangel Michael Sacred Perfume, Star Medicine Bastet Perfume, Anubis Bastet Perfume, Frankincense Resin, Neroli, Heart & Spirit Aura Mist, Eros & Psyche Anointing Oil, Star Medicine Bastet Perfume, Ganesh Bastet Perfume, Rose Otto, Quan Yin Sacred Perfume, Empress Bastet Perfume, Divine Mother Bastet Perfume, Hekate Bastet Perfume
BALANCED ROOT CHAKRA: A safe environment (home), warmth, love, parental intimacy, nourishment, stability, ability to feel safe and trusting in body, space and home
BALANCED SACRAL CHAKRA: Playful, good relations, nurturing, exploration, touch, emotional interaction, sharing, creativity, sensual and sexual pleasure, openness to giving and receiving, having balanced and harmonious relationships and healthy boundaries
BALANCED SOLAR PLEXUS : Ability to honor and trust instinct and intuition, to be the primary decision maker for one's own life, feel confidence and self motivation, have a strong sense of self and personal empowerment, consciousness of self, ambition, will, and healthy boundaries
BALANCED HEART CHAKRA: Feeling loved, being forgiving, compassionate, kind hearted, and empathetic, allowing love to flow effortlessly, honoring and respecting self and others, ability to have deep commitments, move through pain and have an open heart, share, listen and support
BALANCED THROAT CHAKRA: Freedom to express your own unique voice, speaking the truth, ability to listen, authentic expression, feeling heard and understood, having the confidence to say “I’m sorry,” “I love you,” and “I forgive you,” ability to project the voice, have something to say, take the stage, have the floor
BALANCED THIRD EYE CHAKRA: Those in the healing arts generally have a strong 3rd eye, trusting intuition, have healthy perception, psychic tendencies, ability to visualize, set intentions, trust own intelligence, and access inner wisdom, deep connection to the natural world, the otherworldly, the sacred and divine
Here sacred energy is infinite and wisdom is pure and eternal, a state of non-duality where we realize we are one with the cosmos and everything in the cosmos is one with us.
BALANCED CROWN CHAKRA: To live in awareness with a connection to the cosmos, to have a deep personal relationship with the divine, to have the ability to be still and listen, feel unconditional love, trust life and death with a knowing that there is more than our earthly life