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Solstice Preparations + Tucson Store Opening

It’s June and the days are getting longer, slowly moving towards the Summer Solstice on June 21st. Like the days before the full moon, this is a perfect time to take those extra steps to get us closer to our goals and fill our hearts with gratitude for the tangible and spiritual abundance we have in our lives. It’s also an ideal time to clearly set our intentions for the next cycle to come. Once daylight reaches its peak (on June 21st), we’ll start moving towards harvest season as the fruits of our efforts ripen and the days start shortening.
It has been a super active Spring for me, with moving Kate’s Magik to a new location, travelling to different cities training stores on my products and working on my 3rd album, Pirate Radio (to be released this Fall). It seems crazy to do it all at once, and it probably is, but this time there was nothing I was willing to postpone, it just all wanted to be completed. Although I am in dire need of a real vacation with time out of mind, I feel stronger and healthier then ever before in my life and believe it is the direct result of some significant changes I’ve made over the past few years. I had a major life change happen seven years ago that forced me to face my darkest shadows and work on self-empowerment and authenticity (truth). During that period, my immune system was often down and my emotions were fragile. As a result, my commitment to meditation, prayer and yoga moved to a deeper level and some old habits fell away. Being raised in Europe, I spent many years with the belief that an evening glass of red wine with a cigarette was a habit so moderate that it would never interfere with my spiritual path. Yet once meditation and a commitment to emotional work became a dedicated daily practice, those habits effortlessly fell away and I have been healthier, stronger and more balanced ever since. There will be no preaching and I don’t ever want to be fanatical about anything (and I still have an occasional drink at a social gathering), but I had to share with you that this new lifestyle has drastically changed my life for the better - my immune system functions on a much higher level, my energy is up and most importantly my capacity to deal with stress and challenges has notably improved. I also feel like my “battery” is never on empty, there is always a source to tap into.
On another note I have some special news to share with you:

We now have a brick and mortar store called Ritual by Kate’s Magik in the old historic Presidio District of Downtown Tucson! We sell all of our Kate’s Magik products as well as some of my favorite staples, such as my friend Donna’s Raven Claw Soap, amazing incense as well as loose resins, sage sticks, palo santo, crystals, feathers, candles and more; in other words everything that can be used in ceremony and ritual.  For those of you who live in Tucson and the surrounding areas, please come visit us (215 N. Court Ave, Tucson, AZ 85701) and enjoy a complimentary cup of Kate’s Magik Herbal Tea or call us at 520 743-1486 for our summer hours. In September we will have a grand opening with the “unveiling” of our one-room spa for Intention-based Aromatherapy Treatments, which will include massage and Reiki. We will keep you posted!

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