Beltane Rituals & Aromatherapy


Beltane or May Day marks the midpoint between the Spring Equinox (Ostara) and the Summer Solstice (Litha). Traditionally, Beltane is a festival of fire and a celebration of fertility, sensuality and sacred union. The Earth is fertile, fruitful and sweetly abundant. The archetypal Maiden Goddess is full and heavy for an expectant birth. She represents the anticipation of the blooming Earth and the blossoming seeds of our dreams, hopes and ideas. Beltane is the epitome of passion, love, sexuality, sensuality, vitality and potent fertility. 

Still recognized today as the symbolic union of the Young Oak King or the Green Man with the Maiden Goddess or the May Queen, many traditions re-enact this union through rituals and ceremonies evoking the spirit of Beltane. The stories say that the Green Man sees the May Queen and falls madly in love with her and wins her affection. They consummate their love and the May Queen becomes pregnant. The union of the Green Man and the May Queen represent sacred union, the marriage of the Earth and Sky, the burgeoning of life on Earth and the feminine and masculine energy inside of us all. 

Beltane Rituals

 Beltane originates from the Celtic word ‘Bel’ which means “the bright one” or God, and the Gaelic word for fire; ‘teine.’ As one, the word Beltane essentially means ‘Bright Fire,’ therefore denoting Beltane as a sacred fire festival. History tells us that the Celtic people would put out all house fires and commune together as a community to light one special, ritual fire. People jumped over the fire as a means for purification and cleansing and couples would jump together to pledge their love to one another. Animals and cattle were even walked through the smoke for fertility, protection and purification. At the end of the celebrations, people would take fire from the community Beltane fire to light their own fires of home and hearth. 

 If you can, safely kindle a fire or a bonfire at your home or light a special candle dedicated to Beltane. Meditate on cleansing and purification and the ways in which your life is blossoming and blooming with the turn of the wheel.  

Because Beltane symbolizes the sacred union of the Green Man and the May Queen or the Goddess and the God, it is looked at as a favorable time for Handfasting, marriages or making commitments to those you love. The Handfasting ceremony includes the exchange of vows and tying the hands of the couple together with a series of ribbons or cords. 

 While not everyone finds themselves in a relationship or in an appropriate time of dedication to their partner(s), this ritual can be directed inward, to the relationship one has with one’s self. Create your own Handfasting ritual and meditate on ways you can dedicate more time, energy and love to yourself.  

Photo by David Guerrieri 

Local May Day Celebration - Tucson, AZ - 2017 

Many people will recognize and associate Beltane and May Day with the Maypole; a wooden pole decorated with flowers and ribbons. Here again the May Pole represents the union of the God and the Goddess. The pole symbolizes the phallus while the ring of flowers at the top represents the fertile Goddess. The long colorful ribbons are then danced and woven together around the pole symbolizing the union of the Goddess and God, the union between Earth and Sky and illustrates the spiral nature of life. 

 If you can find a community Maypole ceremony, it’s a wondrous ritual to behold. You could, of course, create your own Maypole to dance around or fashion a small Maypole token for your altar out of ribbons, a stick or candle and flowers. As you weave the ribbons with each other, consider, with a spirit of gratitude, the ways in which the Universe has woven together your life and the many blessings you have been bestowed.   

Adorn your altar with imagery or figurines to work with deities such as the Goddess, the Green Man, Pan, Freya, Kokopelli, Rhiannon and Brigid. Embellish with representations of feminine and masculine energy, incense, seasonal flowers, leaves, tree branches, greens, sage, ivy, pine cones, acorns, rabbits, antlers, eggs, rose quartz, and carnelian. Light as many candles as you desire to represent the blessed Beltane fire. Think fertility, sensuality and growth. 

beltane ritual tin

Aromatherapy for Beltane 

Beltane is a celebration of sacred union, love and sensuality. It is a time to honor and proclaim the glory of our Earth and her blooming lands. Here are a few highlighted Kate’s Magik products that we would recommend for love, passion and attraction during this Beltane season!

Beltane is the festival of the Sacred Union of the Goddess and God. It’s a deeply sensuous affair, celebrating sacred sexuality and honoring the alliance of the Divine Feminine and Masculine deep within us. Beltane marks the midpoint between the Spring Equinox (Ostara) and the Summer Solstice (Litha). Beltane is a festival of fire and a celebration of fertility, blossoming and a call to sacred union. The Earth is fiercely potent, joyously fruitful and sweetly abundant.

Beltane Perfume is exquisitely seductive and gloriously invigorating. Stabilizing Peru Balsam provides the foundation for the precious, intoxicating White Ginger Lily flower. Sweet Orange bestows the juice, while Pink Pepper ignites the fire. Beltane Perfume helps us surrender and encourages the blossoming seeds of our dreams, hopes and passions to flower.

$ 89.00

Pan is the therianthropic Greek goat God of all nature. His deep connection to the natural world is profoundly needed in our current time. Since the ancient past, his mirthful yet wise ways have intrigued the hearts of many mystics. Pan links us to our own animal nature and awakens our connection to the wild and untamed. He lives in dells and grottoes, woods and water, and represents the uncivilized divine masculine - primal and often lustful. The focus of Pan Bastet Perfume is for the archetype of Pan to ignite a healthy instinct to connect to the wildness within us and fine-tune our relationship to our mother planet; where we can find the deep healing we all long for. Pan Perfume was created to evoke the alluring musky scent of flora and fauna. Forestry noted are folded in with balsamic Amber - Rose and Oud create a majestic balance.

The mythological muses are inspirational goddesses of music, art, poetry, dance and science that can emerge in the form of a vision, an image, a dream or a shadow. My muse is an alluring shapeshifter, a trickster and a seductress. She can appear unexpectedly like a monsoon rain – raw, bold and electrifying – or nudge me softly like a purring feline swaying its tail around my limbs. Once I awaken to her presence, a burning desire consumes my whole being, and I chase and dance with her until a new creation - such as a song or an inspiration for a perfume - has been captured.

Hypnotic Muse Perfume helps manifest creations while fostering inspiration, passion, and desire. The centerpiece for Muse is the alluring Tuberose, known as “The Mistress of the Night." This precious, mystical flower is rich, seductive and elevates the senses to new heights of sophistication. Soulful Buddhawood cradles this perfume in the sacred realm, while Pink Pepper ignites a creative fire.

Aphrodite is the ancient Greek goddess of love, sexuality, beauty and desire. She is associated and connected with the brightest star and the planet of love and is the counterpart to the Roman goddess of love, Venus. Aphrodite fosters desire, pleasure, seduction and love. Her mission is to spark passion, ignite creativity and lure you away from the mundane. The hypnotic aroma of Aphrodite will help unleash joyful sensuality, reveal inner desire and allow your thoughts to wander, be lost and wildly abandoned. Aphrodite is an erotic perfume extraordinaire. Use this potent aphrodisiac with the intention to summon sacred sexual connection, awaken pure passion, invoke playful vibration and fall in love with your sensual self. Aphrodite is composed around the rare, enigmatic Tuberose flower - nestled in balsamic Madagascan Vanilla, paired with fiery Ylang Ylang and fortified with zesty Citrus. 

Brigid is the Celtic patroness of healing, poetry and smithcraft. She represents the maiden aspect of the triple goddess associated with Spring, fire, hearth, motherhood and childbirth. Brigid provides uninterrupted inspiration and encouragement. This makes her the ideal Goddess to usher in a new year and help solidify our desires for the seasons ahead. Brigid is an Empress in the making, a master medicine woman in her most innocent form. The aroma of Brigid Perfume is a rich fusion of earth, spice and flower. Mystic Myrrh represents the sacred ground, while aromatic Bay Laurel evokes her victorious potential. Queen Rose joins it all together with her fiery but deeply compassionate nature. Brigid perfume is deeply complex, yet fiery and triumphant.

Find breath and stillness. Connect your mind with your heart. Feel your entire being expand with pure love flowing through you. Inhale Devotion Divine Scent Perfume and affirm, “My heart is compassionate, grateful and forgiving.”

Sacred Sandalwood, celestial Rose and balancing Clary Sage provide the foundation for miracles of love, peace and healing.

Feel yourself get lost in the moment, swept away by passion and filled with boundless satisfaction. Inhale the aroma of Ecstasy Divine Scent and affirm, “I release all constraints and invite luminous delight.”

Velvety Vetiver, intoxicating Jasmine and invigorating Citrus create a medley of joyful luster and sensual delight.

Hindu Goddess Lakshmi is the embodiment of beauty, wealth and prosperity. This sacred perfume evokes both material and spiritual success while revealing authentic beauty with notes of Turmeric, Jasmine, and Honey.  Lakshmi is the exceptionally beautiful Hindu Goddess of beauty, prosperity and wealth. Her name comes from the Sanskrit word “laksme” which means goal. She represents the goals of life to be prosperous both in the spiritual and worldly sense. Being prosperous means that you have what you need for yourself and your loved ones. It means that you are not in a state of wanting or greed. Lakshmi represents all forms of wealth; coins, money, jewels, and precious items. Lakshmi’s devotees call upon her for help with personal health, overall wellness and financial security and growth.

A bewitchingly sensual massage and body oil, Aphrodisian Fire Massage + Body Oil enhances romance and excites the senses. It evokes Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. Massage this oil over your partner's entire body and feel the passion rising or self-apply as a skin-nourishing, fiery body oil to bring fourth passion, love and confidence. Use to heighten sensual pleasures or wear to entice, attract and seduce.

Aphrodisian Fire Massage + Body Oil is an exotic wood and flower essential oil blend. Sandalwood and Patchouli are deep and sensual while sultry Rose and flowery Ylang Ylang add a touch of the feminine.

Passion Rising Diffuser Oil is a seductive blend to ignite passion and fuel your fire. Diffuse while getting ready for a fun night out or use as an aphrodisiac to set the mood for love and romance. Pure Passion Diffuser Oil is composed of Ylang Ylang Extra, Peru Balsam, Patchouli, Jasmine and Cardamom.

Heart & Spirit Aura Mist is an aromatherapy mist created to lift the spirit and open the heart to compassion, love, healing and grace. Heart & Spirit Aura Mist features uplifting Neroli and balancing Geranium. With its highly spiritual vibration, Heart & Spirit Aura Mist is an instant aromatherapy treatment that empowers grace from within. It creates an atmosphere that promotes healing and is a great way to open the heart for meditation, yoga, or any spiritual practice. Set your intention and spray generously in a circular motion above your head. As the mist falls down all around you, breathe deeply and feel your spirit soar.

Use Wood Nymph Body Perfume Oil to evoke love and trust. The Wood Nymph is an earth-loving butterfly that dips through the sagebrush, juniper-pinyon woodland, dry chaparral and open pine forests. Wood Nymph Body Perfume Oil helps you feel grounded and compassionate while revealing your inner beauty. It stimulates internal knowledge, brings peace, trust and awareness. With both feet on the ground you can sway like a tree, be rooted, yet flexible and free. Wood Nymph Body Perfume oil is a sensuous blend of earthy, sweet Cedarwood with protective, woodsy Juniper enveloped in regal Rose and sensual Jasmine. A touch of spice makes this balanced blend an intoxicating and grounding experience.

Firefly Body Perfume Oil was created for passion, love and creativity. Fireflies use a specific flash pattern to attract a mate after dark. If a flashing male catches a female's fancy, she will signal back and they mate. Firefly Body Perfume Oil unveils your unique beauty, reveals your highest creative potential, arouses your senses and lets you be seen for who you truly are: Beautiful, magnificent and powerful. Let your passion rise, your fire shine and intoxicate the worlds around you. Royal Jasmine married with seductive Patchouli forms the foundation for this captivating body perfume oil. Luminous Neroli, with the blessing of sacred Frankincense makes this blend an alluring elixir. Lavish yourself and apply from head to toe to perfume your whole body in the fashion of the Ancient Egyptians. It’s a great way to start the day after a bath or shower and can also be mixed with your favorite unscented lotion.  

Moon Goddess Anointing Oil instills joy and helps remove worries and fear. This regal Jasmine blend is uplifting yet calming. It brings forth a lust for life and can serve as an effective aphrodisiac. Moon Goddess Anointing Oil is also great for a woman's "moon time" and can be applied to the hands and feet during labor. Moon Goddess Anointing Oil is a sweet, uplifting blend of different types of Jasmine. Apply to your Solar Plexus for added benefits related to your truth, self and center of will, to your Throat Chakra for aid in communication, self-expression, song and voice, and to your Sacral Chakra for creativity, sexuality and strength. 

Eros & Psyche Anointing Oil is a soulmate blend for eternal love. In Greek mythology, the tale of Eros and Psyche is a love story for the ages; an eternal romance that overcame many obstacles before the princess Psyche could be wed to Eros, the God of Love. This soulmate blend helps instill faith in the power of eternal love and balances the masculine and feminine sides of us all. Eros & Psyche Anointing Oil is a blend of warm sensual Sandalwood and a touch of alluring Neroli. Apply to your Heart Chakra for love, compassion and emotional balance and to your Root Chakra for grounding and sexuality. 

Venus - A Love Oil Anointing Oil was created for love and soulmate attraction. Evoke the goddess of love with this love attraction blend. It is seductive and sensual, yet wise and spiritual. Venus - A Love Oil Anointing Oil is a blend of exotic floral Ylang Ylang with a touch of Indian spice. Apply to your Sacral Chakra for creativity, sexuality and strength and to your Heart Chakra for love, compassion and emotional balance. 

Sweet Marriage Anointing Oil was created to bring joy to a union or attract a partner. Sweet Marriage Anointing Oil brings love and sensuality to a union, fosters open communication, refreshes romance, increases intimacy, strengthens commitment and promotes monogamy. This is also a great blend to attract marriage or a meaningful romantic partnership. Sweet Marriage Anointing Oil is a joy-inducing and sensual blend of seductive Jasmine and Sweet Orange. Apply to your Sacral Chakra for creativity, sexuality and strength, to your Throat Chakra for communication, self-expression, song and words.

Sensual Lust & Passion Anointing Oil is intended to awaken desire and attract attention. This blend is arousing and seductive and serves as an aphrodisiac. Sensual Lust & Passion Anointing Oil stirs desire and attracts passionate energy while enveloping you in an aura of lusty beauty. Sensual Lust & Passion Anointing oil is an intoxicating and fiery blend of exotic Ylang Ylang and Rose Absolute cradled in wood and spice. 

Pure Passion Aura Mist is an intoxicating aromatherapy mist to evoke passion and create a sensual atmosphere. When it comes to the senses, scent is a powerful way to manifest passion and enhance mood. Pure Passion Aura Mist will help to release your natural pheromones, bring forth confidence and reveal your beauty. Create a sensual atmosphere and spray on bed linens or on yourself and your partner to heighten the intensity of desire. Use generously and feel the passion rising. Pure Passion Aura Mist is a warm, sensual blend of Patchouli with exotic floral Jasmine.

$ 19.99$ 16.99

Use Fire Aromatherapy Body Lotion to evoke love, passion and sensuality. Fire fuels confidence, passion and creativity. Fire Aromatherapy Body Lotion is sensual and empowering. Sandalwood will encourage faith and trust, while Moroccan Rose opens the heart and raises your vibration.

a poem for beltane


As the sun grows hot and bright 

And the year-wheel slowly turns. 

The veil thins on Beltane night. 

And passion’s fire brightly burns. 

Arise in lust and join the dance 

‘round the maypole one by one 

And as the cup is pierced by lance 

The holy union has begun. 

Leap across the blazing flames 

To bless the coming year 

The Eastern Gate now opened wide 

And through; the Fae draw near. 

Those who shine as stars below 

Now dance in revelry 

In forest, city, town, and grove 

By human eye unseen. 

We raise a toast on Beltane night 

And make our offerings 

To elves and faery, shade, and sprite 

Within the sacred ring. 

 By Storm Faerywolf 

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