Aquarius Season Energy and Aromatherapy

Sun in aquarius 

On Tuesday January 19th, the Winter Sun moves into the zany air sign of Aquarius! Aquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac and is ruled by the planet Uranus, which is considered to be the planet of change, unexpected upheaval and the unconventional. The symbol of Aquarians is the Water Bearer, which may seem to contradict the fact that Aquarius is an Air sign. However, the Water Bearer represents the pouring out and the sharing of knowledge, thoughts, beliefs and truth. 

Aquarians are often labeled as hippies and dreamers. But Aquarians are visionaries, typically quite intellectual, progressive and forward thinkers. They can be assertive and opinionated and are known to be the radicals of the zodiac; meaning that they often dare to go where no one has before and like to push the boundaries of societal convention. Aquarians embrace the rejection of conventional lifestyles in order to pursue paths typically considered to be outside of what is normal. Aquarians aren’t afraid to dance to the beat of their own drum and neither should you! Yoko Ono, Rosa Parks, Oprah Winfrey, Langston Hughes, Jackson Pollock, Virginia Woolf and Bob Marley, James Joyce and Django Reinhard are just a few famous Aquarians! 

Aquarius Correspondences

  • Duality: Masculine
  • Element: Air (Fixed)
  • Ruling Planet: Uranus
  • House: 11th House, known as The House of Friendships
  • Symbol: Water Bearer
  • Glyph: water from the vessel of the Water Bearer
  • Body Affiliation: circulatory system, shins, ankles
  • Animal: large birds
  • Tarot Card: The Star
  • Color: Blue

kate's magik aquarius feature

Happy Birthday to our resident Aquarius, Miranda! Miranda is one of our incredible production and shipping goddesses and has been with us since May 2021. Outside of Kate's Magik, Miranda is a mom of 2 and is into doing different forms of art, like beading, wood burning and bracelet making. She collects crystals and tarot cards and also loves to fish and hike. Thank you for all your hardwork Miranda! We love you!

Aquarius New Moon Ritual

Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus. Uranus energy is all about science, technology, freedom, rebellion, chaos, surprise and disruption. During the Aquarius New Moon on February 11, 2021, it is the perfect time to craft a New Moon ritual tailored to your intentions for the month with the spirit of Aquarius guiding you. Rituals and healing focused on creativity, confidence, liberation, eliminating bad habits and addictions, friendships, family, community and the expansion of knowledge are particularly potent subjects of transformation during this time.

For a ritual to instill confidence and eradicate fear, use Fearlessness & Confidence Anointing Oil!  

  • Cleanse and purify yourself and your sacred space with a sage, yerba santa, or cedar bundle or Purification & Protection Aura Mist.
  • Sit or stand in a comfortable position and anoint yourself with Fearlessness & Confidence Anointing Oil
  • Visualize the fierce and confident energy of an animal or deity entering you through the form of a bright, fiery ball of light. See the transference and feel this bold and courageous energy making its way through your body, filling you with the confidence and tenacity to tackle your next month or a specific situation.
  • To amplify your ritual, you may also light a candle in the darkness of the New Moon to signify your newfound intention and attitude of valor. In this spirit, journal about the changes you will make in the coming month and how your bravery will take you farther than you could have ever imagined!

Aquarius Season Energy

In this next month, try to embody some of the eccentric and unique characteristics attributed to Aquarians. Continue with that ambitious Capricorn energy and look at your situation or your goals from a new perspective and try to achieve them in a way unlike you’ve ever tried to before. This might make them more attainable or help you progress in a way that you wouldn’t have otherwise. There is a reason that Aquarians are known as visionaries and leaders in the way of invention or creativity. Aquarians are not afraid to try something that is out of the ordinary and they are not afraid of looking foolish. Aquarians are also very proud and stand up for what they believe in, hence their radical tendencies. Aquarians are the inventors and the intellectuals of the zodiac. Aquarians are also some of the fiercest humanitarians. They seek to make a difference and make changes in the world. 

Embracing Aquarius energy is a great way to start the new year. Aquarius encourages us to be curious, to be free-thinkers, imaginative, a little rebellious and to stay open-minded. You actually may feel yourself growing tired of the conventional this month and that is to be expected. Take this time to push beyond what is easy or normal for you. Try hard to stop caring about what others think or expect of you. Take this time to grow your imagination and truly let it run wild. What things could you create or accomplish if you lived your life this way? 

Aromatherapy for Aquarius Season

Use Fearlessness & Confidence Anointing Oil to help fight fear and insecurity and instill confidence. This blend of Madagascan Vanilla and Ginger Provides the motivation and courage needed to conquer challenges in all realms of life. During Aquarius Season, use this anointing oil to give you the courage and confidence to stand up for what you believe in and to boldly walk where you desire! This anointing oil is also great for interviews, speeches and performances. 

Kamala means “lotus” in Sanskrit and is also an epithet of Lakshmi, the Hindu Goddess of love, beauty and abundance. Kamala Harris, the name of the Democratic Vice Presidential Elect, will be the first WOMAN in United States HIStory to sit at the head of our country. Kamala Perfume is an exotic aroma; floral, transformational and bound for glory: Golden Turmeric for powerful healing, Madagascan Vanilla for calm and support, Indian Jasmine to evoke love and balance and Cardamom for fortitude - all qualities a woman can embody as a leader. Created for immediate application. Use Kamala Perfume this Aquarius Season to inspire boldness and courage as we usher in a new era!

Creativity & Performance Anointing Oil is an incredible essential oil blend of Cedarwood and Patchouli intended for grounding inspiration and manifesting creativity. Creativity & Performance Anointing Oil is an inspirational blend for enhancing artistic expression overcoming blocks in self expression and creativity. Use it this Aquarius Season to open your mind to an endless stream of creativity.

Ra Sacred Perfume
$ 27.99

Ra Sacred Perfume is an essential oil perfume roll-on for energy and empowerment. During Aquarius Season, be empowered to live your life outside of what might be considered normal. Ra is the ancient Egyptian Sun God known as creator and ruler of the Heavens. He represents light, warmth, power and energy. Deep, restorative Oakmoss with a touch of Egyptian Jasmine makes this a truly empowering blend.

Use Blue Morpho Body Perfume Oil during Aquarius Season in order to make some needed changes and transformations in your life or in the community around you! The Blue Morpho Butterfly is an iridescent, blue tropical butterfly that represents transformation and metamorphosis - the ability to change. Blue Morpho Body Perfume Oil is a blend of Vanilla, Sandalwood, Nutmeg and Pink Grapefruit that will help you grow into your next life stage with strength and an open heart. Let yourself be guided to the enchanted place that awaits you. Embrace change and visualize your life full of beautiful things. 

Courageous Spirit Diffuser Oil is a blend of Ginger, Litsea Cubeba, Rosemary and Clary Sage meant to instill clarity and build confidence. This Aquarius Season, when you diffuse this blend it will empower you to conquer your fears and inspire courage. 

Use Energizing Wind Massage + Body Oil for energy and strength this Aquarius Season! Geranium, Citrus and Rosemary create an invigorating and energizing massage and body oil which helps prepare you for the day and serves as a potent pick-me-up. It keeps the mind and body alert while encouraging a bright attitude to overcome challenges. 

Wind Aromatherapy Body Lotion
$ 19.99$ 16.99

Wind Aromatherapy Body Lotion is a blend of Neroli and Geranium that is fantastic for energy and inspiration and all Air Signs! The Wind is energizing, awakening, and purifying. It sweeps away confusion and instills life force. Wind Body Lotion will help you find mental clarity and direction, while energizing your body to meet the day or tackle a challenge. The divine essence of Neroli will elevate your spirit, while Geranium provides a steady flow of energy.

The Roman god Mercury, often identified with the Greek Hermes, is a liminal character who dances between the worlds and has the ability to swiftly cross the borders between the mortal and divine planes. With his winged sandals, this fleet footed messenger of the gods is a protector of travelers, merchants, poets and thieves, but also carries trickery and brings necessary teachings to humankind. Exotic White Ginger Lily is the highlight of this Mercury perfume and provides the wings for this delightfully elegant, ethereal floral perfume. Balsamic Eaglewood and Cedarwood bring soothing and balancing elements, while an uplifting bouquet of citrus helps clarify and promote swift action.  


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