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Blessed Autumnal Equinox - Message from Kate

Blessed Equinox Beautiful Kate’s Magik Customers,

In the Northern Hemisphere we are entering the final weeks of the Harvest Season and so begins our descent into darkness, transformation and introspection. At two points in the year, the Sun illuminates the Northern and Southern Hemispheres equally. These are known as the Equinoxes - when day and night are equal in length. The Autumnal Equinox, aka Mabon, is on Monday, Sept 23rd and marks a day of celebration of harvest, gratitude and balance. From then on, the nights become longer, the days become shorter and colder and Earth prepares for a time of hibernation and ultimate renewal. Here we enter the time of magik making - purification, transformation and deep healing. On the Fall Equinox we give thanks by celebrating our accomplishments, making altars and sharing harvest foods with friends as we begin our preparation for the darker seasons to come. On the final Harvest day known as Samhain (Halloween), when the veils are thinnest, we must be ready to transform. 

Today, with a spirit of gratitude, I am inspired to share my insights gained from nurturing old friendships:

I recently returned from a trip to Marfa, TX where together with old friends, I celebrated our dear friend Lady B’s birthday under the Harvest Moon. Though I love my old sister clan, I was apprehensive to make the 1100 mile round trip by car. I was also unsure of how much we still relate to each other at this point in our lives, considering the separate paths we’ve walked over the years. However, as soon as we came together, it was undoubtedly obvious how utterly important and infinitely valuable our reunionions are. Nothing can ever replace old friends!!

We all met in our 20s in the East Village of Manhattan where we worked together in a hip Swiss restaurant. Kelli Belly, Lady B and Barbarella were all actresses and I was studying Jazz vocals and various healing methods. The 90s was a good time for young, hungry artists in New York City and we instantly bonded; three of us even went on to live in the same building. Our friendship developed, ebbed and flowed through 9/11/01 and continued over weddings, childbirths and divorces. It’s now been 23 years since we first came together and they are my queens!

So this past weekend, after three of us traveled a whole day to reunite with the fourth in the dusty, artsy cowtown Lady B now calls home, we were together again; sharing beds, making food, telling stories, laughing hysterically and doing what we’ve done for over two decades. This awoke me to the fact that nothing can replace old friendships, no matter where our individual journeys have taken us. The familiarity, the past adventures, the tears shed in each other's arms and the secrets shared can not be replaced by new friendships. 

Most importantly the trials and tribulations of our relationships with each other are what make these relationships so rich and irreplaceable. Though it may often seem easier to let go, cut the cord, neglect, or not forgive an old friend, we must remember that we are on this planet, to mend our souls - and where better to do this then with friends and family. These are the timeless bonds that have been with us over lifetimes and the goal is always growth and healing. This is the wisdom I gained this weekend from my time with my old sister clan and I hope to inspire you to do some soul mending of your own.

Who do you want to reach out to?

(comment below)

As we enter into a time of gratitude, I give thanks to you for all your support, your kind words and gifts of appreciation! I honor and appreciate you and vow to keep authenticity and integrity as the pillars of Kate’s Magik. Happy Fall Friends!!!

1 Response


October 10, 2019

Oohh Kate how very true. . Old friendships – old ancestry etc!! Iam in Stockholm tonite after a long journey of ancestry travels & dreams – it’s very Healing & emotional! Hope to join you this Samhain retreat!!

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