Imbolc Blessings from Kate's Magik

This year, Imbolc falls on Saturday, February 1. Imbolc, aka Candlemas, is a Sabbat that marks the middle point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. The days are notably getting longer as darkness slowly recedes giving way to light. 

This is a time for purification and fertilization of our desired manifestations which we will harvest later on in the year. The ground is hard and frozen in most places in the northern hemisphere. The seeds (intentions and wishes) we planted for this year’s harvest are deep in the unseen realms, gestating and coming into creation. Like a fertilized egg in the womb, they are gathering strength, growing at their own pace and forming into new, one of a kind manifestations. It’s a powerful time to patiently foster the faith that our wishes and desires are coming into form.

tend to your seeds

During this mid-winter period, fears and doubts can arise as expectations and anticipations may begin to dominate our thoughts. A potential issue facing us can be the perception that every seed we’ve planted will grow and bloom as originally intended - yet any true creation does not necessarily unfold as expected. Knowing that we do not have the power over outcomes, this time between Imbolc and the Spring Equinox (February 1 - March 19) is an ideal opportunity to intently practice patience, focus on recharging and trust that things will spring forth when the moment is right. It is also imperative to remember that not every seed grows as we envisioned. Sometimes the environment is not ready – for example, you may want children but have not yet manifested the safe, warm and nurturing home needed for them to flourish. In which case you would work on creating the environment for that manifestation to be supported. In other words, our desires may first need a foundation to support the big goal. Use this time before the next Equinox to identify those steps, renew your intentions and meditate on trusting your path while tending to the seeds in your garden.

Imbolc rituals

Seasonal holidays honor the cycles of our Mother Earth, Father Sun, and Grandmother Moon. These are days full of power that bring potency to our personal and collective work. This is why they are so important for us earthlings to celebrate; especially in these heightened times where the old, primal ways have been neglected and forgotten. With that said, on this Saturday, February 1st, a holiday that represents the renewing power of the Sun, let us light fires of inspiration to illuminate our path ahead. For those living in urban environments, upon sunset (on February 1st) light every lamp in the house. Better yet place a candle in every room if only for a few minutes to honor the sun’s rebirth. Orange or white candles, spring flowers such as daffodils are perfect offerings for the altar. The Celtic healing Goddess Brigid is often honored during this time. Frankincense, Cinnamon, Orange, and Rosemaryessential oils or incense are supportive aromatic tools for this holiday. Eat spicy foods such as stews and curries. These rituals are a fitting way to celebrate Imbolc and welcome back the heat of the sun. 

 A few matters to contemplate and journal: 

-How do we hope to feel in 2020? 

-Where do we want to focus our energies, and what do we want to nourish? 

-What parts of ourselves are we willing to grow, heal, and expand? 

 Examples would be asking for a more profound connection to the sacred, healthier relationships, clearer understanding of our past, moving beyond the fears that trap us, forgiveness (of ourselves and others), deeper sensuality, etc. I suggest we start and/or end our days this week journaling about all the non-tangible matters we would like to manifest and positive habits we want to develop; in order to live a more fulfilling and authentic life for ourselves and those whose lives we touch. 

How about we do it together? 

Many blessings for the end of winter and a blessed Imbolc to you!

Imbolc collection 
Manifestation Anointing Oil
$ 17.99
Heart & Spirit Aura Mist
$ 17.99
Frankincense  Essential Oil
$ 15.95
Rosemary Essential Oil
$ 6.95
Water Aromatherapy Body Lotion
$ 19.99$ 16.99
Dragonfly Body Perfume Oil
$ 29.99

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