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New Moon and Lammas Greetings Beautiful People

A message from kate

As we reach the peak of Summer our sweetest fruits have ripened and we’ve entered the season of harvest. Lammas 2019 (aka Lughnasadh) is on Thursday, August 1st and marks the first of our gratitude celebrations, as well as the mid-point between the Summer Solstice and Autumn Equinox. This is a time to honor the sweetness of life and reflect on the blessings that have transpired since Imbolc when our intentional seeds were fertilized and blessed.

I recently returned from our annual journey to the Isle of Avalon and the Penwith Peninsula of Cornwall. I travel to these places of power where the veil is thinner in order to separate from the ordinary world, purify, and go within. In the stillness of these sacred places I have the ability to dissolve unhealthy patterns, cultivate a softer focus, and allow myself to listen to the voice of divine reason.

This allows me to get an updated perspective of what my current place is in this challenging world and how to best serve my personal growth and those whose lives I touch. Though this sounds heavenly, it is not always easy - the shadows must arise to reveal these deeper truths. During my times of retreat, it always becomes evident how much I crave a deeper connection to the Divine and how much my soul is starving for sweetness.

So how can we feed our souls?

Personally I continue to fool myself that if I acquire more books on sacred, mystical knowledge or yet another prayer shawl, I will feel more connected to the Divine and therefore be more at peace in my everyday life. But often it is solely the thrill of something new (and shiny 😏) that I seek. Truthfully I have enough amazing books to inspire and educate me for the rest of my days - it is the kick I seek.

It is evident that our culture’s greatest addiction is purchasing things in hope of it bringing greater fulfillment. We also know in our hearts that it does not bring long-lasting satisfaction. So what truly nurtures our soul? Of course the content of a book can conjure soul-food, but the long lasting contentedness, we so deeply long for can only be found in the natural and mystical world.

What feeds your soul?

Please do share by leaving a comment below, so we can all benefit from our collective wisdom. These are a few things that sweeten my soul: singing out my prayers or standing on a cliff overlooking the ocean, visiting places of power, heartfelt bellowing laughter, the scent of hugging my mom, desert walks with my goats, cuddling with my felines, ceremony in sisterhood, or swaying in my lover's arms.

None of these things can be bought with one click on a mobile phone.
celebrate lammas with honey cakes

Celebrate Lammas with honey cakes

Here at Kate’s Magik, we celebrate Lammas by gathering together to honor the first harvest of the year. I made honey cakes from a recipe I found in a magazine while traveling through Europe. Decadent honey and sweet sultanas mix together to create these delicious little cakes meant to attract abundance and sweeten your life. You can find this recipe in the July/August 2019 edition of Kindred Spirit Magazine.


  • 3 oz organic butter, left out of the fridge in a warm place until soft 
  • 2 oz caster sugar 
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla 
  • 2 eggs 
  • 4 oz organic self-raising flour 
  • 3 oz sultanas or other dried fruit 
  • 1 oz honey 
  • 1 tablespoon hot water 

Baking Instructions

  1. Preheat oven to 400℉. 
  2. Using a spoon and bowl, cream together the butter and sugar. Stirring clockwise, repeat at least 3 times: “Golden honey from the hive, bring abundance, make us thrive.” As you stir visualize yourself and your loved ones enjoying all of the good and sweet things of life. 
  3. Add the vanilla, beat in the eggs and honey, fold in sieved flour, followed by the dried fruit and hot water. 
  4. Fill greased tins ⅔ full. 
  5. Bake for 10-15 minutes at 400℉ or until golden.

I wish you a beautiful Lammas weekend.

May our altars be laden with cherries, honey cakes, bread, mead, and gratitude lists for all the blessings. I love and thank you all for the blessings you bring me. My gift to you is our big Monsoon Midsummer 20% off Sale that will begin at midnight on August 2 and end on August 5th, 2019.

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