During the production process, Kate's Magik products are


Welcome to Kate’s Magik, transformational scents, perfumes and Mists from the heart of the Sonoran Desert. 

This divine range of aromatic offerings have been conjured and developed by therapeutic master-perfumer Kate and will help you center, heal, remember and stabilize your energy field and and create sacred space.

Each scent has been crafted with the highest intention using finest essential oils and carrier oils and charged with reiki and sacred sound. Experience the magical

healing power contained within each bottle. Clear and invite fresh energies into your life!

How To Choose... The name on the bottle is an indication as to the purpose of the transformational scent, and whether it may support you on your journey.

How To Use the Aura Mists... We suggest that you hold the spray at arm’s length above your head, spray four to six times, as you desire, and take a few moments to let the drift of the aromatic mist settle around you. This will bring the multifarious benefits of the essential oil blend into your auric field, and have its effect on the olfactory area of your brain.

DIVINE SCENTS... magikal aromatic tools for daily ritual + therapeutic support for life’s blessings and challenges

masterfully crafted with intention, reiki and ritual

7 Scents for 7 Chakras

Grounding - stability + balance

Ecstasy - joy + passion

Sacred Power - strength + courage

Devotion - gratitude + meditation

Expression - truth + communication

Illumination - intuition + clarity

Liberation - freedom +_transcendence


Text taken form an other website that may be useful and altered to be unique to us and informative to our customers…

The microscopic scent molecules create a response in the part of your brain that deals with instinctive drives such as emotion, intuition, and sex drive, and they stimulate a cascade of hormonal/chemical responses in the entire mind-body interface.

On a Lighter note... using the sprays will connect you with the Forces of Nature, Spirit Entities, and Divine Beings that have elected to be part of the ‘Divine Alchemy’ team, and who function beyond the frequencies held within the bottles. Do invite your own personal deities and spirit associates into the procedure.

Our products are excellent for clearing and preparing, in sacred space and the home. Ritual objects can be consecrated or cleansed, bedrooms made ready for love, or your child’s teddy given a well deserved, anointing or appreciative misting!

The deeply violet bottles are specially designed to protect and preserve the bio-energies, aromatic compounds and other sensitive ingredients from radiation produced by visible light. The exception is permeability for the violet light frequency, and also the UVA and infrared spectrum.

We hope that you will reuse the spray bottles for other misting purposes, such as a rosewater spritzer, so you have further benefits from your purchase and help the planet by not discarding something really useful.

A Note To Finish... All healing, evolutionary processes, and the fulfilment of human potential require CHANGE, and creating positive change involves INTENT.

Our creations are designed to support you in dealing with everyday challenges, help you integrate healing and transformational energies into your bio-energetic systems, and support your courageous journey into wholeness.

Stepping into your power and finding your true purpose is not a new concept, but we need to speed up the process. A shift in consciousness is called for – an acceptance of one’s special gifts, an awareness of one’s unlimited potential, and a willingness to LET GO and CHANGE. 


100ml spray

Ingredients are sourced from around the world, and are wild crafted, organically grown or cultivate when necessary (such as Bulgarian rose).

Do avoid contact with your eyes, and do not take internally.

If you have allergies, possible allergens are listed on the bottles.

Pets may dislike direct contact with the sprays due to strong aroma. Apply common sense and intuition and you can’t go wrong.