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Autumn Equinox Message from Kate 2021

Harvest Blessings Beautiful People,

Today is the Autumn Equinox, when the Sun illuminates the Northern and Southern Hemispheres equally and day and night are once again equal. It is time to summon our gratitude by gathering in ritual and celebrations to honor and give thanks for the abundant harvest of the earth and sea. On this day we stand in the gateway of perfect balance before the darkness overtakes the light and we make our descent into the shadow time of the year. As the blessed Grandmother Moon, keeper of the calendar, begins to wane after a soulful Harvest Moon, the wheel of the year turns and we enter the season of mystery. 

And so begins the most magical time of year. On Mabon (aka Fall Equinix) I love to stare at the big Autumn sky, observe the softening of daylight, inhale a crisp morning breeze and reflect on all the blessings in my life. On this day, I also embark on my process of shedding, while I contemplate and journal on where I need more growth and healing. I ask myself what needs to further shift in order to make those changes. How can I go deeper into the present while setting the intentions for what is to come? What needs to go? Always keeping the highest good of all in mind and asking for divine support. Now begins our slow journey inward, the time of introspection, self exploration and stillness - followed by rebirth. It’s the time of the Divine Mother and Heavenly Father - we have entered the most holy time of year. It’s time to sing your heartsong - whatever that may mean to you.

Today the Kate’s Magik family will gather for an Autumn harvest feast of homemade bread, pumpkin soup, cinnamon apples and other seasonal delicacies. We will share what we are grateful for in our own lives and give our heartfelt thanks for all of Earth's bounty (Essential Oils!!!) as Autumn begins. We will also give a big thanks to YOU, our customers, who support this small, all women-run business!

I want to WISH YOU A BLESSED HARVEST SEASON and wholeheartedly thank you for being part of Kate's Magik family.

Blessings Abound!


Mabon + Autumn Equinox COllection


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