Imbolc, the festival of inspiration and awakening is upon us.
Once winter solstice has passed (Yule), where we celebrate the return of light, the next Sabbat is Imbolc. Imbolc honors the first stirrings of life.
Imbolc is celebrated sundown to sundown, between February 1st and 2nd. It is the Sabbat of Bridgit, fire, and fertility that marks the mid-point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox.
It is a time of hope and preparation.
Imbolc means “in the belly” which signifies that the Earth is pregnant with the seeds of the coming harvest. This is a time for fierce purification and fertilization of our desired manifestation. The land may still lie in darkness but the seeds (intentions) we planted for this year’s harvest are in the unseen realms, gestating and coming into creation.
The divine spark that was born in midwinter is growing, and nature is beginning to wake up. Remember the intentions for the new year you made? Now is the time to clear the way for them to grow, symbolically, and perhaps literally!