Helichrysum, a member of the daisy/sunflower family, is among the most miraculous and powerful healing plants at our disposal. Helichrysum italicum essential oil, also known as Immortelle, is revered for its unparalleled regenerative and protective benefits in skin care as well as its anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. In Aromatherapy,
Helichrysum essential oil instills deep peace and tranquility and provides support in releasing emotional trauma. It is also a useful tool to help us reconnect with the spiritual realm and opens the heart and mind to new experiences and practices.
The Helichrysum shrub is sometimes called the Curry Plant as its intensely fragrant leaves perfume the air in areas of the Mediterranean, India and the Balkans where it grows (it is not however actually used as an ingredient in any curry spice blends). The aroma of our pure Helichrysum essential oil is complex and slightly medicinal with an earthy, herbaceous floral undertone and notes of straw and fruit.
The name Helichrysum is derived from the Greek words helios meaning sun and chrysosmeaning gold, which refer to its numerous clusters of tiny yellow flowers. These dried flowers were presented as an offering to the Gods in Ancient Greece, used in Medieval Europe as potpourri, and have flavored sauces in various cultures around the Mediterranean. While the origins of the name Immortelle are not well documented, it may refer to the long life of the cut flowers or the powerful anti-aging properties of the essential oil and extracts derived from these sacred yellow blossoms.
When it comes to essential oils for skincare, nothing beats the effectiveness of Helichrysum. It contains anti-microbial, anti-biotic and regenerative compounds that promote healthy skin cell growth and regeneration. It also helps speed up healing of wounds, burns, and rashes and reduces scarring. Kate personally experienced this oil’s miraculous benefits a few months ago:
In early May I had a basal cell skin carcinoma removed from my nose. It was so deep that the Mohs surgeon had to scoop twice to get it all. This left me with a hole in the side of my nose that was the size of a marble. I was told various times and it was noted in my paperwork to NOT put anything but Vaseline on the wound. The skin graft was scheduled to take place two weeks later. On the third day after the giant bandage came off I began going against doctor’s orders and placed Helichrysum oil around the wound and on the inside of my nose. I did this twice a day. After one week, the wound had significantly shrunk. When I went in for my appointment to have the graft, two-thirds of it was already healed, and the doctor said he had never seen anything like it. I ended up not needing a skin graft at all and today my nose is almost back to normal. Helichrysum is a miracle oil!
Additionally, Helichrysum helps smooth both skin tone and texture, reduces the appearance of fine lines, and its emollient properties help keep skin hydrated. Add a drop or two to your favorite moisturizer or a face-friendly carrier oil such as
Organic Jojoba both morning and night. A truly multifaceted essential oil, Helichrysum is also beneficial and for treating sunburns, helping to block UV rays to protect against skin cancer as well as for those with acne, eczema, psoriasis and other skin irritations. For application on the body, dilute a few drops into a palmful of your favorite carrier oil (we love
Sweet Almond or
Avocado Oils).
In aromatherapy, Helichrysum/Immortelle supports and cradles the psyche to work through difficult emotions, trauma, or issues that we have buried in the subconscious or qualities within ourselves we don’t like to acknowledge (the “shadow” in Jungian psychology). It creates a nurturing environment that promotes inner calm and fosters spiritual practice. One of the world’s leading aromatherapists, Valerie Ann Worwood, expressed the sacred properties of the Helichrysum in her book,
Aromatherapy for the Soul:
A fragrance of the devic world, Helichrysum opens hearts to the unseen energies that affect our lives here on earth. It has a special purpose for “the walking wounded” – those who cannot reminisce for fear of the painful emotions that may be remembered. It is also for those who feel their physical self has lost touch with their soul… Helichrysum’s spiritual purpose is to make self-exposure safe.
While there are countless additional benefits of this miraculous essential oil not discussed here, we encourage you to make Helichrysum a part of your self-care toolbox. Each time you apply this precious oil, remember to have gratitude for what our Mother Earth has provided as we rejuvenate and enhance the skin to radiate the glow of the golden sun. Also keep Helichrysum close by as a nurturing tool on your spiritual path to instill peace and self-love during Shadow Work or whenever you need a little extra aromatic love and support.
While Helichrysum is one of the safest oils for skin application, those with allergies to plants in the Asteraceae family (such as ragweed) should test it on a small area first.

Joseph Braitling
October 10, 2019
Very ingormative