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Samhain Blessings from Kate

October 31, 2023

Samhain Blessings from Kate

Once more, we stand at the threshold of the season of transformation. This night of Samhain marks the beginning of the darkest and most holy season of purification and Magik making. The veils are thin, the ancestors are near and the old must die for the new to be born. Soon the Celtic wheel will turn once more and it will be Yule (aka Alban Arthan): the Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year.. 

We are living in both illuminating and devastating times. Raging wars of horror over land ownership, religion, race and power. At times we feel helpless, resorting to prayer and lighting of candles as our only offering. As we live in this temporal era of overwhelming turmoil, how do we seek balance in day to day life? I don’t have an absolute answer. Yet, I can often find some solace by tuning into what is still sacred: the natural world, seasonal and lunar ceremonies, the beat of the drum, the scent of holy oil, the light of a fire, the telling of a myth, the hoot of an owl, the face of a loved one... 

Though it may be important to stay abreast of current events, it is equally essential to help raise the vibration of the collective unconscious. Each person can affect the collective through heartfelt connection. This can be done with meditation, walking through the woods, an offering of a song, a dance or refreshing an altar and most effectively healing the war within ourselves and our families. And, by Goddess, staying off of our devices!

Samhain (October 31) is about letting go and the release of old, the negative and the stagnant. This season  prompts us to turn a new leaf in our personal journey. While collectively, Samhain prompts the banishment of greed, anger, jealousy, judgment and hate. Symbolically followed by All Souls (November 1-2), we honor, remember and tell stories of our ancestors. Simultaneously, we petition those who have passed to help and guide us. We need their support, just as moving forward in time, we will serve as the wise ancestors to those who follow.

Here is my prayer for today: One day, without delay may there be PEACE! May we heal, grow and awaken - Us human folk - Banish matters fed by greed, jealousy and hate. Build bridges and be kind to one another! Forgive, have compassion. One day, even if it’s still far away, let us live in right-relationship with one another and the natural world. Let us envision peace on earth. One day, without delay, let us all pray, may LOVE & PEACE prevail!

In a few days I will return to Egypt with a circle of Spiritual Sisters. There, we will pray, sing and dance like never before. I am honored to return to my ancestral land. A Jew with no borders, a sister, a wife, a friend, a daughter, a person who loves all people – in spite of the madness we carry within us. I will commune with the nature gods - Isis, Anubis, Nephthis, Hathor, Horus and Sekhmet. I will pray like never before with Nut above us and Geb below us.

Off we go together, my fellow Northern Hemisphere travelers, into the darkest time of the year. May this deepest season of transformation gift us with profound visions, creative ideas and deep healing. Let us consciously enter this time of darkness with eyes wide open, to bring lost knowledge and wisdom back into the light of this planet.. Hand in hand, we journey together.

With so much LOVE, Kate

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