Yule Solstice Blessings, Beautiful People!
As we find ourselves standing at the darkest point of the year, let us take a moment to give thanks to ourselves for all it took us to get to this point. We have come a long way and we did our very best. It is not an easy feat to live in this era of continuous upheaval. We are superstars for doing our part in being conscious and raising the vibration!
No matter how much we think we could have done better, we did fine, because we are here!
Yule is for renewal - to leave the past behind and greet the new.
For me, this Autumnal season was filled with true Magik and Mystery. Journeying in Egypt for the second time in November elevated me to a new level of Expansion and Renewal. This time, I brought a group of friends and acquaintances with me, a Spiritual Sisterhood of exceptional beings who brought a truly indescribable depth to our Journey.

The land known as Kemet (black earth), the sacred River Nile, the Living Temples, the Egyptian Sun and the Beautiful Inhabitants possess the ability to transcend consciousness in an almost incomprehensible way. While in this Sacred Land, it feels effortless to walk between the worlds of the Humans and the Neters (divine beings, nature gods), leaving the ordinary world behind. This feeling is something I crave almost daily.
Upon my return, three people I care about passed over within a week, leaving me feeling fragile and thankful for every breath.
Egypt had prepared me, a land where the Before and Afterlife feel as real as the current moment.

Tonight is the night to let go of the old and to usher in the new.
In this darkest time of the year, we welcome the return of the Divine Light, the rebirth of the Life-giving Sun, who brings warmth, light and vitality back to Earth again. The Wheel of the Year now moves beyond death and towards New Light and New Life. Today we honor the Return of the Sun. Let us usher in a brand new Season of Light as we light candles, burn incense and sit fireside as our Ancestors did.
In Europe, where I grew up, many ancient customs involving the use of candles and incense are still upheld. Traditionally, there are three occasions to “smoke out” the house: Winter Solstice, Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. On these special days, we walk ritually from room to room burning incense and purifying herbs, while speaking prayers and blessings for what is to come. In the countryside, stables and animals are included in the round. A fire may be lit as a purification ritual.
The world is constantly changing and we must shift to keep up in order to survive. Change is inevitable. Congratulations~ for all you are and all you have done to get to this moment. Here comes the Return of Light! Let’s take these Holy Days to celebrate.
Solstice Blessings! May 2024 bring you PEACE, LOVE & MAGIK!!
Yours Truly,