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A Lammas Message from Kate

August 01, 2022

A Lammas Message from Kate

First Harvest Blessings Beautiful People!

Lammas, also known as Lughnasadh,marks the halfway point between Litha, the Summer Solstice and Mabon, (or Alban Elfed in Druidry), aka the Fall Equinox. This is a celebratory festival of Light and Gratitude but also a time to begin the preparation for Autumn.

On a personal note, as I contemplate the blessings that have been bestowed upon me since setting intentions on Imbolc (Feb 1st), there is so much to be grateful for! My health has been stable, after two years of big challenges. Kate’s Magik expanded and we took over the upstairs of our 1930’s building in the historic part of Tucson. I made it back to Avalon (Glastonbury, UK) after a two year pause. We celebrated 20 years of Kate’s Magik on July 22nd! And the rains have finally reached our desert with some proper monsoon downpours. Of course, there have been trials and tribulations, but such is life. We live in trying times, friends, and I think it is important to actively partake in collective healing.

Though I generally like to see the bright side of things, and have been accused of sticking my head in the sand, there is no denying that humanity and our planet are in big trouble. And today I ask myself:What sacred work can we do to contribute to the healing and awakening of our people, our leaders and those in charge of big corporations? Would you be willing to send in your objective and subjective thoughts and contemplations? I believe that collectively, we can get some momentum going by simply thinking and talking about this. 

How can we be sacred rebels, prayer warriors and change makers? 

Here are my thoughts today: We are mighty beings, far more powerful than most of us realize. We are here to serve the cosmos and fulfill our soul's purpose. Though I often falter, it is my life’s purpose to do sacred work and be in service of collective healing. What helps me stay on course is continuous realignment with the rhythms of our planet: the cycles of the moon, the seasons, the festivals of the year– so I can be more steeped in the vibrations of the natural, timeless world we so deeply desire. 

Our lives are defined by what we do, it is therefore incredibly important to be aware of where our energy goes. Everything we do affects our future,for today is the past of tomorrow.That said, it is often three steps forward and two steps back. 

We may want to periodically examine our current situations and ask ourselves: Is my everyday life, my work, my relationships fulfilling and meaningful? Does an aspect of it serve the higher good of all? Am I doing my best? How could I do a little better? What can I do differently? These questions can be challenging, yet humbling and healing if we are gentle with ourselves. 

I believe that we can change the world by continuously changing ourselves. And of course by giving; supporting; praying; loving and assisting; while conserving water; minimizing use of plastic, gas; listening to the birds, the wind, the rain; and being in the arms of nature whenever possible.Collective small changes can bring big shifts.These are my thoughts for this holiday. Please share yours. We care. We are in this together!

First Harvest Blessings with Love and Magik,



“The sun has triumphed over winds, frost and fog, the harvest is here.” 

Philip Peter Ross Nichols (28 June 1902 – 30 April 1975)

Art by Wendy Andrews


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