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Lammas Blessings from Kate

August 01, 2023

Lammas Blessings from Kate

Lammas & Full Moon Blessings Beautiful People,

Today is a special day. Not only do we have a supermoon rising tonight in Aquarius, but we honor Lammas, the Summer Harvest Festival before we segue into the Fall season. Lammas, also known as Lughnasadh, marks the midpoint between the Summer Solstice (Litha) and the Autumn Equinox (Mabon). It’s when the fields have turned from green to gold, the summer sun begins to wane and we have festivities of abundance, featuring grain, fruit and sunflowers. 

I write to you from the “old country” where I am visiting my mother in Switzerland for a summer holiday. It’s been an unusual summer for us all, with much intensity. Extreme weather patterns continue to rage in the northern hemisphere, with severe heat and wildfires devastating many parts of the Mediterranean and the Ukraine/Russian war continues with no resolution in sight. Not to mention that technology seems to have taken the human race hostage, especially our young. And who would’ve thought we would have congressional hearings on the topic of UFOs and alien life. Wow! It’s a wild, dangerous world we live in where it can be difficult to find equilibrium. Simultaneously there is always bountiful magik and beauty unfolding, but there are times it can be challenging to tap into.

So how do we step out of the tempestuous nature of our daily lives to find some peace and joy? Well, I can only grapple for words of wisdom and share some ways that work for me. Tuning into the cycles of the seasons and moon, always help me get grounded and more in touch with the realm beyond the shadowy world. Connecting with the power of a full moon (or new moon) and the frequency of the current season can bring a welcomed timelessness and reprieve from everyday life. So today is the perfect day to step out of the ordinary. 

I love to celebrate Lammas by gathering with one or more loved ones, sharing summer harvest foods and watching the golden late summer sun as it sets. The essence of Lammas is summer joy. We breathe in the rays of the Sun and harness their power for darker days ahead. By the time we celebrate the next festival, the Autumn Equinox (Mabon), it will be Fall and the warm summer days will be behind us. Lammas is a time to express gratitude to the Gods and mother Earth for all the blessings and gifts that have been bestowed upon us.

Today I give extra thanks to the extraordinary Kate’s Magik family for weathering many storms with grace and loyalty, to YOU the reader and above all, the warmth of the life-giving summer sun and all its bounty. Thank you!

Yours truly from Switzerland with Love,

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