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Kate's Newsletter: Preparing for Autumn

September 11, 2015

Kate's Newsletter: Preparing for Autumn

Good Day Friends!
September is here, the nights are getting longer, the harvest is upon us and temperatures are gradually dropping. The barrel cacti are in full bloom here in the Sonoran Desert and the monsoon storms arrive nearly every afternoon followed by dramatic explosions of color in the sky as the sun retreats for the night. Living in Tucson, I no longer get melancholy when Autumn rushes in, instead I rejoice at the change of season knowing that the sun will continue to shine almost every day, even during the darkest time of the year. Those of you who live in cooler climates get to experience magnificent autumn colors, falling leaves, and farmers markets with brimming baskets of fruits, nuts and vegetables. Autumn is the season of Abundance and Gratitude for the blessings that have sprung in the Spring and ripened over the Summer. It’s an ideal time to reflect on the experiences we’ve had and the small and big shifts that are needed to move to the next level of life.
The last few months have been busy but I am grateful for all that has come to me during this time: We moved Kate’s Magik to a new, beautiful location this past Spring, opened the doors to a retail space called RITUAL ( this Summer and are now getting ready to offer Kate’s Magik intention-based-aromatherapy massages starting in October (Tucsonans please come to our grand opening on Oct 10!). I have also traveled to New York, LA and San Francisco introducing my newest line of Sacred Perfumes and training store staff on Kate’s Magik. In addition I’ve spent time in the studio furthering my 3rd album, all the while trying to balance a home, relationship and seven fur children (cats and goats). For relaxation, we decided to drive 2500 miles to Yellowstone and back for a camping trip that left us feeling in need of a vacation.
For many of us, being overwhelmed has become a normal state of being. We have a million things going on in our heads: responsibilities to fulfill, people to see, text messages and emails to answer, things to “research” online and obligations to keep. As a result we often neglect our nutrition, sleep too little, skip daily rituals and forget to plan time off. It can seem never ending, bog us down, weaken our immune system and create depression.
What is the remedy to this madness? Go live in a cabin in the woods or an ashram? Maybe for some of us, yes, but others have work to do here in the midst of chaotic times.
I am obviously not (yet) an expert at this, but I can share some things that help me stay grounded during all those earthly activities and a few of changes I am implementing:
Lesson 1: Connect your brain to your heart before filling out the spaces in your calendar. Planning time for relaxation, reflection and rejuvenation is as important as all the phone meetings and deadlines we need to meet. If we take care of our wellbeing first we can “work smarter not harder!”
Lesson 2: If you spend a lot of time in your mental space (planning, strategizing, troubleshooting, using computers or a smartphone etc), it is important to plan “real time” off (away from technology and crowds of people) to go somewhere where you can truly relax, let go and submerge yourself in our greatest healer: Mother Nature. An hour or a day here and there can make all the difference, but I also believe that seasonal breaks where we can spend real time “out of mind” is just as important.
Lesson 3: Condense your travel time so you do little to no driving and travelling during your rest time.
Lesson 4: Take time when you wake up and before you go to sleep to just be – count your blessings and formulate your prayers for the day/night, ideally in meditation out under the open sky. Even a few minutes can set you up to face a new day or help you let go and get a restful night’s sleep.
Lesson 5: Use your tools and helpers - essential oils, sage, affirmations, crystals, inspirational books, yoga, walking, drumming and conversing with you spiritual guides are just a few of the tools that will assist you throughout the day.
Lesson 6: Remember that you are in charge; you call the shots and make the decisions. Although we all have responsibilities and obligations (the bills need to be paid and the children cared for), if we have tended to our daily wellbeing first, we are free to serve with more vigor and joy and therefore affect our surroundings in a more positive way!
Let’s do it together!
With Love and Blessings for an abundant Harvest time!

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