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A Fall Equinox Message from Kate

September 21, 2018 1 Comment

A Fall Equinox Message from Kate

Autumn is my favorite time of year. Maybe it’s because I’m an early December child, born in the late Fall. I love the turn of the colors, the piled up squashes in the markets, the slight chill in the air and of course the aromas of cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg, allspice, anise and baked apples and pears. Where I live in the Sonoran desert, the days finally turn from hot to warm and by mid-October we can enjoy evening fires and wrap a blanket around ourselves. Come All-Hallows Eve and our precious, highly celebrated All-Souls Day, we may get a chill from an Autumn breeze that prompts us to slip on a hat and scarf. Lucky us.

The Autumnal Equinox, when day and night are equally long, marks the beginning of our fourth quarter and the entrance to the season of darkness. From here on forth the days are shorter than the nights and the time of introspection, transition and renewal begins.

This year, transition and manifestation have been the themes I have witnessed in my life and in the lives of those around me. An exponential amount of people I know, myself included, have moved their living quarters or businesses to new and improved locations. More and more people are choosing to let go of the short lived earthly pleasures of the material world for more fulfilling and long lasting values that bring deeper joy and peace. So many of my friends and acquaintances are educating themselves on how to build a tiny-house and live more simply and closer to mother nature. I personally just moved 40 minutes outside of town in order to be closer to the land and farther from the city lights, sounds and currents. My mainstream neighborhood grocery store now has a wall full of yogi-tea, vegetable based milks, organic oats and and other healthy food options. Times have changed! Though our political climate says one thing and my heart broke in a thousand pieces when I read that particles of plastic are now found in just about everything and everyone, there is also a movement that is voicing a clear yearning for a return to a more natural life. Humans are amazing. We are capable of almost anything from evil to divine. Apparently our species has decided to experiment with just about all aspects of the full spectrum that is available to us.

In the meantime, back at the farm (Kate’s Magik that is) I have decided to offer more experiences to the Kate’s Magik audience. As I am getting ready to celebrate half a century on this planet, in this body, I realize that it’s time to integrate my mystical and musical healing work more deeply with my company and you, my patrons. Though I have over 20 years of experience working as a metaphysical life coach--studying, applying and professionally teaching various methods of spiritual transformation--and I have been a musician for over 25 years, most Kate’s Magik lovers know me mainly as a therapeutic perfumer. Part of my transformation this year has been to merge the different parts of myself; this integration has sprung new dynamic, comprehensive spiritual offerings: THE KATE’S MAGIK EXPERIENCES.


Attention to my beautiful women customers: Join me and my magical tribe October 31st - November 4th in Sedona for the first KATE’S MAGIK EXPERIENCE. Nourish yourself with much needed TIME OUT, sisterhood, ritual and sacred ceremony. Five days and four nights will be spent experiencing the beautiful aromas of earth's powerful medicines, singing sacred songs, releasing self imposed limitations in fire ceremonies, eating beautiful, organic vegetarian meals, practicing morning yoga and meditation and restoring vitality, vision and connection to divine consciousness.

For now I wish you blessings of love and magik and a smooth transition into Autumn, the season of shedding, gratitude and bounty!

Happy Equinox Beautiful People!


Respectfully Yours,


P.S. Those of you who happen to be in Santa Fe for the Fall Equinox, I will be at The Body of Santa Fe offering Aroma and sound journeys. Information here!

Tucsonans stay tuned for The Four Mystics event on September 30th, and Ritual's 3rd Anniversary Party on October 20th! 

1 Response

Anita Becker
Anita Becker

October 10, 2019

A late comment! I just re-read it, and my heart was moved by the beautiful words you found to express your emotions. I love you so much, and I am so proud that you are my daughter! Mom

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