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A Winter Solstice Message from Kate

December 20, 2018 1 Comment

A Winter Solstice Message from Kate

Oh, what a year this has been; so rich, so challenging and above all transformative.

I encourage you right now to take a few deep breaths and really try to take in how far you have come in 2018. Imagine yourself as the observer looking back without judgment. Look at the beauty, the ugliness, the successes and the pitfalls. Close your eyes. Watch your movie of this past year. WOW! And now take a moment to be thankful, a moment of gratitude for making it this far on this windy, unpredictable journey we call life. Congratulations!


Blessed Winter Solstice Beautiful People!


Here we are, one year further on our path and once again we arrive at the darkest time of the year, deep in the shadows, in the new moon stage of our seasonal cycle -- a powerful time for completion! On this very holiday of the Winter Solstice, December 21, the time of death and rebirth, we can do a profound spiritual and emotional cleanse by consciously releasing belief systems that block our path from walking in beauty. On this potent day, the king of darkness gives the power back to lady light and so begins anew a time of birth and beginnings.


On a personal note, my year has been filled with unexpected worldly events, which catapulted me into a profound phase of growth and renewal. I experienced everything from being reunited with a goat I dearly love (yes, a goat), betrayal from someone I considered family, to walking the mystical Cornish coast of England for the first time, to moving our living quarters to more secluded land in the Sonoran desert. And this month I turned half a century old in the city I was born and repeatedly walked the labyrinth at Grace cathedral with the woman who gave birth to me. Wow! The lessons have been hard this year for me and many of my loved ones. But how else would we grow and heal and better ourselves and the world around us? This we must remember (in master Yoda’s voice)! Especially on this very special day when we are safely cradled in the womb of darkness.


Magical Suggestions for a Winter Solstice Celebration:

(This may be done any time over the coming weeks as Winter embarks)

  • Make a fire and burn strips of paper that have your troubles, concerns and judgements listed
  • Take a purifying salt bath - you can add a little Frankincense, Rosemary, Citrus, Letting Go or Isis and Rebirth oil; or simply squeeze some lemons and add lemon peel for the cleansing properties
  • Walk a labyrinth near you (shed when walking in, illuminate and pray in center, then state your intention on the way out) A wonderful and highly effective practice!
  • Share a celebratory feast of winter harvest
  • Make an altar of gratitude and Intention - for example: flowers, winter squash, light a candle and burn resinous incense such as Frankincense and Myrrh or Copal and place your wishes and intentions for the new year here.
  • Work with Deities such as Ganesh, Hekate, Isis, Kali or other archetypes that support the  Winter Season
  • And of course anoint yourself with beautiful oils that fit the Season


Lastly, as I was walking the labyrinth on my land this morning, honoring the last days of darkening and contemplating this newsletter, these words came to me as a gift: “As we re-enter the time of light, may our hearts be gentle and patient as a deer, but our auras and our courage as big as that of a bear.”As a result, Deer and Bear medicine is our gift for this Winter season.


Happy Winter Season Everybody! With Love, Gratitude and Light,


1 Response

Utama Spice
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