"Podrán cortar todas las flores, pero no podrán detener la primavera.”
(“You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep Spring from coming.”)―
Pablo Neruda
Entering the Season of new beginnings offers the perfect opportunity to contemplate the present moment. We spend so much mental energy ruminating on the past and strategizing about the future that the here and now--the only thing that is real--gets passed over. The quote I have chosen by Pablo Neruda, one of my favorite poets, is an expression of the inevitable and seemingly infinite movement and force of Life. It reminds us that there is a great, unstoppable power outside of our control. We may call it nature, God, Great Spirit or science, but it is beyond human understanding. Seasons will come and go, the sun will rise and set, the tides will be high and they will be low, there is birth and death, and the wheel just keeps turning. This subject has been contemplated from here to eternity throughout human existence, but today I ponder the power of this invisible force in relation to 2018’s Spring Equinox.What if we simply trusted that we can have what we desire without needing to work so terribly hard for it? What if we could believe that love, success and peace are our birthright, and all we need to do is nurture our spiritual health? Back to Neruda’s poem, I suspect that in this day and age of information overload we tend to cut the flowers before we can see their glory. The flowers are already there in full bloom, but (seemingly) invisible until, with trust and patience, we align with the present moment.Undoubtedly, there is a benevolent energy supporting our well being with an infinite supply of joyful vitality which directs us on our path to living a purposeful life. But it may be that we are working too hard to try and make it happen instead of focusing on removing the obstacles which obstruct the flow. If we can focus on clearing the pathway and doing a good Spring cleaning, our flowers can bloom vibrantly and effortlessly into luscious, ripe Summer fruit.Here are some effective methods I use for my Spring Purification:
- Take a detailed written inventory of all matters that make you feel cloudy, tense, anxious or sad
- Contemplate on what can be changed and what cannot (at this time)
- Come up with a plan of action for removing obstacles from the path to joy and peace
- Ask the Universe, Great Spirit, Source or the God/ess of your understanding to be the sustenance that will bring your hopes, dreams and wishes to fruition
- Enforce your intention by lighting a candle, taking a ritual bath, anointing yourself purposefully (see product suggestions link to sale) and going into meditation and prayer
- Review the intention behind the seeds you have planted (Winter Solstice to Imbolc) to ensure they will support you on your path to authentic joy, and work towards the highest good for all!
Now let us let go, step aside, and allow the natural force of nature to take its course.Bless you on your Journey and Happy Spring Equinox!Feliz Primavera!!Faithfully Yours,Kate
October 10, 2019
Hi Kate,
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Thanks a lot,