A serene view captured by Kate out onto the Sea of Cortez from San Carlos, Mexico.
Here it is - 2017, a brand-new year and once again we are full of hopes and fears.
This year I suggest we skip the resolutions and expectations and simply continue working with intention to heal our souls. While life is full of suffering, it is also abundant with joy, magnificence and Magik. Most of us know by now that change is inevitable, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse. Seasons come and go as we live, love, hurt, grow and transform. So why not allow the waves of life to just flow without resistance while we keep searching for mystery and inspiration to reveal itself in the brightest and darkest times of the present moment? Right now is a good time to tend to the soul, nurture spiritual and mental wellbeing and take our relationships to a deeper level. In order to do this successfully, we need to slow down – everything is going too fast now.
2016 seems to have been a tough year for many of us, not necessarily bad, but difficult. It may not get easier in the years ahead, the world is in a state of upheaval, its people divided while our oceans and forests are diseased. As the planet hurts, we hurt. The only thing we can do is start taking care of each other, which starts with ourselves. We must slow down and stop merging with our devices (I’m guilty), overachieving and multitasking all to prove our worth. We are good enough and are all trying our best! It is time to start calendaring time out for ourselves to step into silence, heal from within, decompress, read, sleep and (when ready) connect with friends for storytelling, music making and sharing ideas and experiences. Ideally, we put our judgments aside and mix with all the people with whom we have a connection, regardless of their political of religious beliefs (!!!). I passionately believe that this is what we the people need most now. We should sip more tea and sit around and shoot the shit on the proverbial porch. We must have more picnics and potlucks – when possible out in nature! When things get worse, it is time for communities to become stronger by uniting, supporting and fostering mental and spiritual health as well as hope and inspiration. This is my goal for 2017: Let's start an anti-stress movement and encourage one another to relax and remember what really matters. We are all in need of more harmony, peace and self-care to become healthier, more functional, heart-driven people. As a result, our "important" earthly matters will fall into place more naturally!
Blessings for 2017 Beautiful People!
With Love,
I leave you with this important passage by one of the greatest peacemakers of our time:
“The planet does not need more successful people. The planet desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers and lovers of all kinds.”
-Dalai Lama