Forgive me Dear Customers! I promised weekly blogs and instead you have not heard from me in 5 weeks. I do have a good excuse though; Kate’s Magik headquarters moved its location and I probably don’t need to tell you that nothing can ever quite prepare you for a move. The actual process of “moving” is not necessarily what makes it so challenging, it’s the little stuff, the things that have been lying beneath the surface for years past and the personal effects that you can’t quite let go of, yet don’t know what to do with. Additionally, the old energy that rises to the surface; the metaphor of stirring the fishbowl comes to mind (Did you ever have goldfish when you were a kid? If so, remember cleaning the tank when it was long overdue?…Yuck!). Luckily the tedious work is now behind us and we are in a charming new location that’s part of a 1930s building in the historic part of beautiful downtown Tucson. We will also be opening a retail shop and offering Intention-based aromatherapy treatments in the next few months. I can still barely fathom my fortune to be in such a gorgeous neighborhood after 8 years on a funky street. Yet gratitude for those years on 9th Street is on top of my thank you list to the universe.
After a number of Purification, Letting Go and Gratitude Ceremonies, we handed back the keys to our former landlord and settled into our new quarters. BUT, there is still a (seemingly) astronomical amount of planning, strategizing and implementing to be done before we can swing open our cast iron gates to the public. Although I have a wonderful feeling about this new venture and sense a sunny, successful energy around the future of Kate’s Magik, there are some looming worries to conquer, as ample amounts of money flow into painting, light fixtures, showcases and new floors. I have been feeling a bit rough around the edges both physically and mentally but luckily I’ve got a bag of tricks to help me stay grounded, replenish my energy, keep my head steady and my heart trusting. I’d like to share some of these tools that have helped me get through this time of upheaval and change:
- Daily meditation is essential for my wellbeing. I shoot for 20 minutes of introspection both morning and evening; this time will often include gratitude prayers and setting my intention.
- When I feel particularly stressed, I find a quiet place to sit and imagine myself by the sea conversing with dolphins, or strolling on the edge of Canyon de Chelley watching hawks, crows and vultures sail on the canyon wind. Visiting a “happy place” with my imagination is an extremely effective way to put the busy mind to rest. Simply going out into Mother Nature can also be very rejuvenating.
- Plentiful sleep (min 8 hours) is essential during this time! Yoga, lots of water and fresh, live food to energize the body also can really make a difference.
- Of course essential oil blends have been my constant companions. Lakshmi Sacred Perfumeis keeping me positive and empowered,Creativity and Performance helps with strategizing, Dragonfly and Wind Lotion (I mix them together) after every shower keep me energized and ready for the day. French Lavender is always in my bag and at my bedside to dab on my temples as a soothing, calming and healing remedy. Since my body has been aching, I’ve been rubbing my skin withMuscle Works and a few drops of addedLavenderor Eucalyptusand then submerging myself in a hot bath with Epsom Salt before going to bed – VERY POWERFUL for aches and pains and to aid in sleep!
I hope these tips can help you during a big “move” or any particularly stressful time.
With the full moon on Sunday May 3rd, this weekend is the perfect time to put your big hopes and wishes out to the Universe and fill yourself with gratitude for all things beautiful in life!
Much Love Always!