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Blessings for Spring Equinox 2017

March 20, 2017 2 Comments

Spring in the Sonoran Desert

Today is the last day of winter and my final chance to write my Seasons Greetings to you and share some thoughts.  It’s 90 degrees as I sit on our porch, with a mac on my lap, gazing out at the desert’s explosion of wildflowers, while peaceful music flows out of the house, the goats are leisurely chewing their cud and doves are cooing as they chase tail. The world seems still, at peace and intact. I cherish these moments which seem more and more to be the only times I can find feelings of true sanity. Mama Earth will keep providing for as long as she can!
Nevertheless, life’s lessons seem to be escalating, most places I turn (including within myself), I see people dealing with significant challenges, deep hurt and health struggles. Even my most enlightened friends and mentors (aside from my feline and caprine children) are currently facing great difficulties and therefore being pushed towards deeper healing. 
In the meantime, I conclude that in conjunction with our own personal ancestral and karmic evolution here on planet Earth, our troubles are linked to our tempestuous times and the necessity to tune into our personal and collective power to awaken our sacred warrior. It’s gonna be a bumpy ride, folks!
However, my friends, do not think I am foreseeing doom and nothing but heartache! There is no shadow without light. We need to be more mindful of making time to recharge (as mentioned in my New Year’s Newsletter) and use our tools to create peace and love for ourselves and those around us so that we can be strong in the dark hours. Currently, my most effective personal metaphysical prescription is the following:
  • Gratitude
  • Prayer and meditation time morning and evening
  • Plentiful sleep
  • Time in nature away from society and technology
  • Making music
  • Reading an actual book
  • Spanning time being present with animals and human loved ones
  • Seeking guidance from my tarot, my astrologer and other wise sages
  • Nature walks and communing with Saguaro friends
  • A quarterly trip to the sea
  • I also always try to have something to look forward to - a treat, like a retreat, a camping trip or a visit from my mom who lives overseas.
I suggest you create your own personal metaphysical apothecary to help carry you through this time. Take some time to ponder what feels right for you and write up your own reference list to draw from.
One of my personal goals for this Spring is to find deeper truth within myself by more profoundly tapping into the roots of my issues with the intention of dislodging some old, stubborn habits and belief systems.
Here’s the plan for my Spring Equinox Ceremony. You can incorporate my methods with your own to create your own Spring Ritual tonight or anytime in March:
  1. I create a sacred circle with sage, candles and flowers as I call upon the seven directions.
  2. I speak aloud everything I am grateful for that transpired this Winter: all the wonderful experiences, lessons learned and awakenings for healing.
  3. I ask the departure of Winter to help me release some of my shortcomings and clear the negative energies of the past.
  4. I then sing to Sister Spring and give her offerings of cornmeal and flowers.
  5. I anoint my seven chakras with flowery oil blends such as Sweet Marriage or Fertility & Manifestation and then apply Ra Sacred Perfume to my brow to help me become a sacred warrior with a wise sword and a protective shield.
  6. I visualize my intentions for the new season as seeds ready for planting and toss them into the Spring wind.
  7. I pray for the winds of change to help us move to the next level and to Great Spirit “to grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, courage to change the things we can; and wisdom to know the difference” (to borrow from some great wisdom that helps our brothers and sisters in recovery.)

Sending you bushels of intentional seeds and flower petals of love for this brand-new Spring!

Tucson Workshop with Kate

Join Kate and three other wise women on Saturday April 1st for "Awakening Your Inner Healer" at the Galactic Center in downtown Tucson.
Get More Info

Bastet Perfume of the Month Guild

Stay tuned for the announcement of our new monthly perfume subscription service coming in April. Kate is using more exotic oils and extracts than ever to create these intriguing new artisan perfumes.

May Sedona Retreat

Mark your calenders, Kate will be hosting a retreat in the beautiful red rocks of Sedona, AZ May 18-21. More details to come soon! 

15% Off Kate's Selection of Blends for Spring through 3/27

Clarity & Focus Anointing Oil
Clarity & Focus Anointing Oil
Fertility & Manfestation Anointing Oil
Fertility & Manfestation Anointing Oil
Sweet Marriage Anointing Oil
Sweet Marriage Anointing Oil
Euphorian Wind Massage & Body Oil
Euphorian Wind Massage & Body Oil
Wind Aromatherapy Body Lotion
Wind Aromatherapy Body Lotion
Dragonfly Body Perfume Oil
Dragonfly Body Perfume Oil
Joyful Courage Herbal Tea
Joyful Courage Herbal Tea
$11.01 - $14.95
Lakshmi Sacred Perfume
Lakshmi Sacred Perfume
Ra Sacred Perfume
Ra Sacred Perfume
Courageous Spirit Diffuser Oil
Courageous Spirit Diffuser Oil
White Sage Smudge Stick
White Sage Smudge Stick
Mini White Sage Smudge Sticks
Mini White Sage Smudge Sticks

2 Responses

Christine A Nelson
Christine A Nelson

May 05, 2017

I recently got Spinx Moth, didn’t know what it would smell like, and I love it! Yesterday, with the oil on of course, I got in the car, noticed something flapping to my left and it appeared to be a white moth, very pretty. I’ve never seen one before and it wouldn’t leave my side later I put it on the ground.
I don’t see the Spinx Moth in your products now, so I hope you are just out as I would continue to purchase..

dyan ewing
dyan ewing

April 23, 2017

Hi Kate
I met you a few years ago at Shoreline Central Market, I worked in the Health and Bodycare area, I now am retired, and wanted to let you know I still love your products, just ordered the Aphrodisian Fire Oil love it, Glad to see you are thriving.

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